1. Actually that was a pretty common "Jam" before the "anti tilt follower". It is caused by worn out springs in the old(Vietnam era) 20rd mag. The bolt double feeds and just pushes the last 8 or 9 rounds over into the mag. The only "stupid's" are the people displaying their ignorance of common(old school) AR/M-16 malfunctions.–Ray

  2. @Ray: On doing a little research, I see that there have, indeed, been instances where rounds have been upended like that in the old 20-round Vietnam-era magazines. I don't know whether or not this is such a magazine (the body looks curved to me); but if it is, that's a possible explanation. Thanks for enlightening us.

    (I must say, however, that my old-style 20-rounders have never done that.)

  3. Peter; Its not the twenty round mag that is at fault. It is the combination of a faulty worn spring and the old stile follower. Back when Carter was President this was a common "day at the range" for us as we were issued nothing but Vietnam leftovers—Ray

  4. Saw this picture, or one just like it over two years ago.
    Guess it is something like that stuck in the ditch Oscar Meyer Wienermobile that show up around the first snow fall of the winters.

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