Doofus Of The Day #794

Today’s award goes to Hillary Clinton for this example of ideological idiocy.

Businesses don’t create jobs, indeed!  Who the hell does she think creates them?  Government can’t “create” a single thing, let alone a single job – only positions that leech off taxpayers, and produce no net economic benefit by growing gross domestic product.  Those who believe government can create anything are living in a liberal and/or progressive cloud cuckoo land.  Government, by definition, is a consumer rather than a producer.

I should think every Republican and/or libertarian and/or conservative candidate and campaign manager planning for the 2016 elections must be frantically filing copies of that speech, and giving thanks to the political gods that be for such a negative advertising bonanza.  This error is going to come back to haunt Mrs. Clinton, big time . . .



  1. Please don't point that out…it will only give the libtards a chance to say she is still suffering from her concussion.
    Oh, what the heck….go ahead and point it out….maybe somebody will be repulsed by her actions!

  2. Her incoherent thoughts can be blamed on many things. I'll be gracious and surmize they're caused by a severe head injury

  3. Maybe you could title it "It takes a Village Idiot"?

    On another topic how's Maxwell 4 coming? It would truly be spiffy it you could put a link on the head page so Maxwell fans, such as myself, can stay updated on its progress.


  4. She has no clue as to what businesses are let alone wheter or not businesses "create" jobs. The only "employment" she and her raper-husband have ever had were in the government sector.

  5. Please do not let the "incoherent thoughts" narrative take hold. Her comments were not incoherent. They were undiluted Marxist philosophy. America heard her actual belief plainly stated in that moment of candor. Now we cannot let the body politic forget it.

  6. Says the woman who's never done an honest day's work in her life, or earned an honest dollar (those futures "trades," for example, the perfect instantiation of legal graft).

    Or, for that matter, a woman who's never run a business that's required her to meet a payroll.

    What the hell has Hitlery ever produced in the course of her long and parasitic life?

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