The eight happiest dogs on YouTube

That’s the title of an article at Mother Nature Network. It has eight video clips of dogs demonstrating their happiness at being reunited with their owners, or playing with toys, or just having fun. Here’s one that I’ve previously embedded on this blog, showing a dog whose ‘daddy’ has just come home after an overseas tour of duty.

All together, now: Awwww!

There are seven more at the link. Go ahead and enjoy yourself!



  1. Okay, that's a HUGE point in favor of dogs.

    My cats get all excited when we come home from being away…for about five seconds. Then we get the silent treatment for the next couple of days, because they're peeved we left them.

  2. Why I love dogs. A cat, you could come home naked with a $1000 dollar bill strapped on your forehead after being gone for a month and they wouldn't look up (oh, wait that's the ex). But you know what I mean.

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