
Not much to report, except that it’s been an exhausting day moving most of the larger contents of our kitchen and bedroom to the new place.  We had the help of a couple of friends, without whom we couldn’t have coped (between my fused spine and leg injury, and Miss D.‘s oft-dislocated shoulder and rebuilt knee, we have to be very careful lifting weights and moving large, heavy objects).  Even so, we’re both completely wiped out this evening.

I don’t have the energy to put up additional posts this evening, so I hope you’ll amuse yourselves with some of the blogs and bloggers listed in my sidebar.  All are worth reading.  I’ll try to post more tomorrow.

Sleep well, y’all.



  1. Am glad things are moving forward. Keep the arnica, tiger balm, icy hot, aspirin & aspirin+ like stuff close. If California keeps doing the same stupid things that they are infamous for doing, we will be moving to another state. We have been in this house since 1984. I absolutely dread the prospect of moving.


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