
It’s been a weird sort of day.  I suspect that several frantic weeks of effort preparing my novel for publication, plus a major edit of the second book in the series (coming out in mid-July), plus preparing the manuscript of the first book for a print edition, plus writing book 3 of the series (coming out in mid-November), and so on, and so on, have simply over-stressed my body.  That’s probably why I picked up the head cold that’s going around at present.  I’ve had the crud for over a week now, and I’m shaking it off very slowly – it doesn’t want to leave.  Add that to a sore eye (something called ‘keratitis‘, caused by a combination of a viral infection – the head cold – plus far too many hours staring at a computer screen, resulting in over-dry eyes), and it’s been a miserable sort of day.  That’s why blogging has been light yesterday and today.  I’m just plain worn out.  I’ll try to get some better sleep tonight, and put up more posts in the morning.

To keep you amused, check out the ‘Top 21 Survival Pick Up Lines‘ over at Willow Haven Outdoor.  Examples include:

  • Here.  I brought you a bouquet.  It’s edible.
  • Wow, you look hypothermic.  Hurry – let me help regulate your core body temperature!
  • DANG!  I need to come out of my bunker more often!

There are more at the link.  Fun stuff!



  1. #17! πŸ™‚
    I feel guilty for wanting the printed version. So sorry. God's greatest gift? Time doesn't stand still. Get better soon, because you don't have a choice. πŸ™‚

  2. FYI, finished the book and enjoyed it very much. Occurred to me that it was sort of a cross between Starship Troopers and Blackhawk Down…at least until your hero transferred to the Navy.

    Looking forward to your next book.

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