Hard at work – and play

Miss D., Old NFO and Alma Boykin appeared to enjoy their visit to the Alibates Flint Quarries yesterday afternoon.  They inform me that the guided tour was closer to two miles than to one, and involved some climbing over rough ground, so I’m glad I didn’t go.  My physical disabilities wouldn’t have let me cope with that, and I’m too fat for them to have carried me the rest of the way!

Last night we enjoyed supper at the Red River Steakhouse in Amarillo.  The food was excellent, and (by today’s standards) reasonably priced.  There seem to be a fair number of good-quality eateries in Amarillo, judging by this and previous visits.  We’ll have to make sure we visit them all, over time.  (I love a challenge like that . . . )

This morning it’s off to the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, to spend an enjoyable few hours handling some of their extensive firearms collection.  I described it more fully during my previous visit to the Texas Panhandle.  I’ve already mentioned a number of nineteenth-century guns in my Western novels, published and forthcoming, and will be mentioning more, so I want to check on some of the finer points to make sure I get them right.  No Hollywood guns for me, that shoot an inexhaustible supply of ammunition from a six-round cylinder!

I’ll put up more blog fodder as and when I can.  Until then, enjoy yourselves with the bloggers in my sidebar.



  1. Hey Peter;

    Just so you know, I am rereading "Brings the lightning" again. I tend to do this to books that I really like. Just so you know…

  2. I like it when I read that you're researching for more Western novels! Hope all of you are having a wonderful time – sure seems like it.

  3. The steaks at that Amarillo steak house look lovely, but I'm surprised that a Texan menu doesn't offer larger options …

    I can finish the Porterhouse at Longhorn, all of the veggies and salad, and one appetiser, yet still feel a bit peckish afterward.

    32 ounce steaks should always be an option in Texas.

    Anything you could do with your Western novels to encourage this would be greatly appreciated.

    If they think it's too big for Texas, they can simply call the steak an Alaskan steak.

    That should settle the matter rather nicely. 🙂

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