Recently, thanks to a link on social media, I discovered the Circle and Square comic strip. The most recent one made me laugh. Talk about circular logic! Clickit to biggit.
Tumblr seems to be getting some entertaining comic strips. Another good one is Foxes In Love. Both have become daily visits for me. Recommended.
I'm amused and ashamed that such "logic" is so common.
THAT's why it's funny, like prat falls because we've all fallen ungracefully.
I'll be checking out that comic again, thanks
The Square is using the 'logic' of the Leftists. Which has pervaded our society.
Beans, you are one of my top favorite commenters. But I have to add to what you said. It's not only Leftist logic. The nutters yammering about "chemtrails", 5G, "viruses do not exist" and so on are mostly not on the Left … they are mostly on the Right. And they may be good people otherwise (generally, people on the Right are more decent and kind than leftoids), but these folks' critical thinking skills, at least when it comes to science, are lacking.