Home again

Miss D. and I arrived home this afternoon after an enjoyable few days in Indianapolis. We went up for the wedding of two friends, and took the opportunity to reunite with several blogging buddies up there, including (in alphabetical order) Brigid, Partner In Grime, Midwest Chick, Mr. B., Roberta and Tam. Much good food and drink was consumed and good company enjoyed by all concerned.

The drive back was one of the more pleasant I’ve experienced on I-65.  Traffic was relatively light, the construction zones weren’t overly congested (being a Sunday), the sun was shining, and it wasn’t too cold or too hot for comfort.  I wish more road trips could enjoy that combination!

I’m back to working on the third novel in the Maxwell series. I’ve lost a few days thanks to this trip, but I hope that by next weekend, it’ll be ready to go out to beta readers.  While they’re ripping it to shreds (metaphorically speaking), I’ll be preparing the cover with Oleg‘s help, working on the blurb, and getting ready to format everything for e-book and print publication in early December. Wish me luck!



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