It’s a relatively light-hearted, fun movie about a family of secret agents. One of the peripheral characters is a New Orleans street thug calling himself ‘Muerte’, who keeps ending up on the losing side of his encounters with the hero and heroine (and sundry others who get in the way).
Here’s a collected clip of Muerte’s finest (?) moments. Watch in full-screen mode for best results.
Yep. Loser.
Those are too funny!
"Hiya, Morty!"
I love this movie.
Undercover Blues is one of my favorite movies of all time. I swear to heaven, the lead, Dennis Quaid, is the person who defines "shit-eating grin." It is the only comedy I have ever seen with comic relief. Muerte is one of the most hilarious characters in cinematic history.
One of the guilty pleasures of our household.
doofus, you nailed it with Quaid.
LOVED that flick. Was constantly on the proper side of the line between just plain stupid and crazy funny — the kind that makes me laugh and my wife to just roll her eyes.
And lest we forget, Muerte was played by Stanley Tucci.
I just love a good running gag.
He really killed those scenes. 😛
How have I missed this movie until now?
Oh man…I love that movie just for Morty!
How have I not seen this movie??
That goes on the must buy list..
I need to watch this again. Just to watch Morty have a really bad day!
This is my favorite movie to watch whenever I need to raise my spirits. It's so interesting to compare Stanley Tucci (Muerte) in this film (released in 1992 IIRC), to his recent work.