1. In 1999 we did a fishing trip to Wreck Reef, Coral sea. Big trawler boat, takes a day to get there. A giant Queensland grouper took residence under our boat for the duration of our stay. This thing was the size of a small car, skipper estimated it at 800lbs. We used to fill a big rubbish bucket with catch offal and throw it in the water at the end of the day. The grouper would gulp the entire contents of the bucket in one bite! Amazing fish, they trully are giants of the sea. I'm told by divers they are also very gentle, but somehow I don't feel game to test that?…

  2. One of the best experiences I've ever had diving was off a boat in Key Largo where there was a Goliath Grouper that would hang out at a specific wreck. The boat crew had named him Kenny. Strangely enough, there were also dozens of nurse sharks there that would pose for the camera. It's the wreck of the Washington off Key Largo, if anyone's interested. We used a charter called Silent World, and they seemed to know the best spots at the best time. Next time I get to go back, I'll use them again.

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