The growing worldwide refugee crisis is now clear to see

  I’ve posted warnings from Michael Yon in these pages over the past few months, warning of what he terms PANFAWAR (Pandemic, Famine, War) and its consequences.  More and more knowledgeable people are picking up on the same clues he’s seeing, and coming to agree with him.  Most recently, he stated flatly: Famines always create… Continue reading The growing worldwide refugee crisis is now clear to see

Hungry fishies!

Following yesterday’s post about the diver who got rather too up-close-and-personal with a whale shark, I found this video clip of people feeding 300lb. grouper fish in Florida. Y’know, if I were invited to do that, I think I’d insist on chain-mail gloves, thank you very much! Peter

A food crisis in the making – or an Internet rumor?

A post at Crucis’ Court this morning mentioned a report that FEMA had just ordered a billion dollars’ worth of dehydrated meals, disrupting normal supplies of these foods. This made me wonder, as I hadn’t read any reports of this in the mainstream media, who normally cover FEMA affairs fairly thoroughly; so I decided to… Continue reading A food crisis in the making – or an Internet rumor?

You’d better be hungry to try this!

I’ve heard of – even seen – some of the monster dinners offered by a few US restaurants. Typical is the Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo, Texas, offering its 72-ounce (4½ pound) steak, which is free if you eat the whole thing (including side dishes) within one hour, in accordance with the rules. The… Continue reading You’d better be hungry to try this!

I wonder how many applicants they’ll get?

Domino’s Pizza in Japan has come up with a novel idea to advertise its products. Reuters reports: Take-out pizza chain hiring. Aged over 18, no experience required. Uniform provided. Salary: $31,000 an hour. As part of a series of events commemorating the 25th anniversary of its arrival in Japan, Domino’s Pizza Japan is set to… Continue reading I wonder how many applicants they’ll get?

Edible art?

A new world record has been set for an artwork made of bread. When you’re trying to come up with a really unusual birthday present, it pays to use your loaf. In the case of Laura Hadland, she used 600 of them. The 27-year-old museum curator turned a photo of her mother-in-law, Sandra Whitfield, into… Continue reading Edible art?

Containerized crops?

I’ve written before about the use of surplus shipping containers for housing. It seems they can serve as small, self-contained hydroponic farms, too. Discovery News reports: Shipping containers have been redesigned to become housing, offices and even health clinics, but now a startup in Tucson is transforming them into sun-free, soil-free greenhouses. Leaf lettuce from… Continue reading Containerized crops?