Wow. China’s high-tech economy just took a major boot to the knackers…

  A recent move by the Biden administration has really put the boot into China’s high-tech industries.  In a series of tweets, Jordan Schneider sums up the situation.  Here’s part of Threadreader’s condensed version. The US government’s new export controls are wreaking havoc on China’s chip industry. New rules around “US persons” are driving an… Continue reading Wow. China’s high-tech economy just took a major boot to the knackers…

Is World War 3 an inevitable outcome of the current financial system?

  Capitalist Eric thinks so. It comes down to a few simple points, which I’ve explained several times over, but will repeat here. The Western elitist banksters have maintained utter control of their respective financial currencies; this debt-slavery system is the basis of their power.  It has been, for all intents and purposes, their private… Continue reading Is World War 3 an inevitable outcome of the current financial system?

An organized terrorist threat from illegal aliens?

  Trevor Loudon thinks that may not be far-fetched. After leading open opposition to then-Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez in 2002, former Venezuelan lieutenant in the National Guard Jose Antonio Colina Pulido fled to the U.S. in 2003 to seek political asylum. He has been living in exile in the U.S. ever since. He has provided… Continue reading An organized terrorist threat from illegal aliens?

Might Russia be facing Islamic terrorism coming out of Afghanistan?

  An article by Dr. Michael Rubin suggests that’s likely. Now it seems the Taliban are preparing to make their move and export their revolution. Ahmad Massoud’s National Resistance Front, which maintains a strong intelligence network in Kabul, the Panjshir Valley and across northern Afghanistan, reports that in recent weeks, the Taliban first transferred 16… Continue reading Might Russia be facing Islamic terrorism coming out of Afghanistan?

“The Death of Germany, and Europe”

  That’s how Michael Yon views the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines near Germany a few days ago.  He doesn’t pull his punches. At this point in history, to destroy the possibility of re-opening Nord Stream 1 (NS1), and opening NS2, all but assures massive famines and detailed destruction of European economy that normally… Continue reading “The Death of Germany, and Europe”

I’m glad I don’t live in Germany right now…

  … because the cost of living there is going through the roof.  Reuters reports that last month, German producer prices rose by 45.8% compared to August last year. Producer prices for electricity rose 174.9% compared with August 2021 and by 26.4% compared with the previous month. Excluding energy, the year-on-year rise in producer prices… Continue reading I’m glad I don’t live in Germany right now…

The balance of international influence just shifted – hard

  Many readers may not have paid much attention to the meeting last week of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).  That would be very short-sighted, because a number of developments there demonstrate a significant, possibly permanent shift in the international perspective and alignment of the nations of the world. One of the most interesting aspects… Continue reading The balance of international influence just shifted – hard

“Wars and rumors of wars … nation will rise against nation”

  The headline to this post is, of course, from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 6-7.  I’m not saying these are the end times.  After all, people have said that since Christ walked the earth, ignoring his own declaration that “about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in… Continue reading “Wars and rumors of wars … nation will rise against nation”

That’s what happens when theory fails to take account of reality

  The worldwide energy shortage is beginning to show its teeth, and threatens to literally bankrupt many businesses and consumers unless a solution is found.  The Financial Times reports: Across the world, politicians are ever more desperately looking to contain the explosive consequences of the energy crisis. In those parts of Asia, the Middle East… Continue reading That’s what happens when theory fails to take account of reality

In memoriam: Mikhail Gorbachev

  Reams have already been written about the death of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union before its collapse.  I think one of the most appropriate thoughts comes from the blogger at HMS Defiant: Two men encompassed the beginning of the end of the Cold War. Ronald Reagan could not have accomplished… Continue reading In memoriam: Mikhail Gorbachev