Money over the past 10,000 years or so

  I recently came across an investment service called Epsilon Theory.  They have an enormous range of articles and reports that are among the best-researched and easily understandable of any that I’ve read anywhere else.  I’ve taken up their (limited) free subscription offer, and I recommend it to you as well. I found their article,… Continue reading Money over the past 10,000 years or so

Are you, or will you soon be, dependent on pension income? If so, READ THIS.

  Epsilon Theory has published an in-depth review of Britain’s financial crisis over the past couple of weeks, as its major pension funds were pushed right to the brink of bankruptcy by a liquidity crunch that threatened to take the entire British banking sector down with them.  The crisis was averted – for now –… Continue reading Are you, or will you soon be, dependent on pension income? If so, READ THIS.

Is World War 3 an inevitable outcome of the current financial system?

  Capitalist Eric thinks so. It comes down to a few simple points, which I’ve explained several times over, but will repeat here. The Western elitist banksters have maintained utter control of their respective financial currencies; this debt-slavery system is the basis of their power.  It has been, for all intents and purposes, their private… Continue reading Is World War 3 an inevitable outcome of the current financial system?

Lies, damned lies, and inflation fudgery

  Two years ago I postulated: We’ve seen in the past how reliable private sources such as Shadowstats and the Chapwood Index have consistently estimated the true inflation rate to be between three and four times higher than the official numbers.  I believe them. Therefore, here’s a suggestion, based solidly upon historical economic reality. To… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, and inflation fudgery

Remote work is a two-edged sword

  The New York Post warns:  “Remote work could cost Americans their jobs within decade, experts say“. Remote work may be a blessing for Americans who enjoy not having to commute to the office, but experts are warning that workers should be careful what they wish for because companies could easily hire someone overseas to… Continue reading Remote work is a two-edged sword

“Now is the time to take back control of money”

  That’s the position of Neil Oliver, whom we’ve met in these pages on many previous occasions.  I think he makes a strong case.  Here’s his video presentation, followed by an excerpt from the transcript. Mr. Oliver notes: Let’s imagine you want to borrow 200k to buy a house. When you go to the bank… Continue reading “Now is the time to take back control of money”

US used auto sales crash – more confirmation

  Yesterday I put up an article titled “Vehicle sales as a bellwether for the economy“. Reader Andrew Smith added a comment linking to the video below, for which I’m grateful.  The speaker calls himself the “Economic Ninja”, and certainly seems to have inside knowledge of the US auto market.  He reinforces what I said… Continue reading US used auto sales crash – more confirmation

“The Death of Germany, and Europe”

  That’s how Michael Yon views the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines near Germany a few days ago.  He doesn’t pull his punches. At this point in history, to destroy the possibility of re-opening Nord Stream 1 (NS1), and opening NS2, all but assures massive famines and detailed destruction of European economy that normally… Continue reading “The Death of Germany, and Europe”

Vehicle sales as a bellwether for the economy

  E. M. Smith has some cogent thoughts on the matter. Two different car traders saying cars are not selling at auction. This is bad … The implication here is that recent interest rate rises along with price inflation and job loss has folks just not buying cars, so dealers are not buying them, even… Continue reading Vehicle sales as a bellwether for the economy