“The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour”

  That’s the title of a long and interesting article in City Journal.  It exposes the warped, twisted view of human sexuality that’s behind the rise of “Drag Queen Story Hours” across the nation, and makes it clear that they’re nothing more or less than an indoctrination exercise aimed at young children. The article begins:… Continue reading “The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour”

Lies, damned lies, and PayPal

  It seems Paypal, after inserting both feet firmly into its corporate mouth, is trying to backtrack and do damage control. “An [Accepted Use Policy] notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information,” a PayPal spokesperson said. “PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted… Continue reading Lies, damned lies, and PayPal

“Why the middle class is being destroyed”

  That’s the title of an article at American Greatness.  I don’t necessarily agree with all the author’s arguments, but he makes an intriguing case that deserves our attention.  Here’s an excerpt. The emergence of a cognitive elite, and, for the first time in history, the almost total convergence of intellectuals with the financial elite… Continue reading “Why the middle class is being destroyed”

This bears repeating – again and again

  Click the image for a larger view. So much of what we read and hear today is nothing more than political correctness writ large, that it’s worth reminding ourselves that at root, it’s all the same old extremist lie.  The communists used it in bucketsful.  So has almost every other extremist movement down the… Continue reading This bears repeating – again and again

He’s right, of course: “woke” is a lie from start to finish

  Victor Davis Hanson brings the smackdown to “woke” America. Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee. They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man-hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift… Continue reading He’s right, of course: “woke” is a lie from start to finish

A deliberate plan to cull the human population?

  That’s what Gates Of Vienna calls “Omnicide”:  the growing evidence of a deliberately planned, genocidal population reduction through disease, war, food and energy shortages, and other means. More than a year ago I wrote about something that had become increasingly obvious: both the Wuhan Coronavirus and the “vaccine” that ostensibly protected recipients from the… Continue reading A deliberate plan to cull the human population?

True dat – here as well as there

  Courtesy of Legal Insurrection, I came across a couple of tweets.  Click either image to be taken to the original tweet.  First: I’ve seen precisely that in many less-well-developed societies over the years, at first hand, and sometimes to my grievous cost.  Civilization is a veneer that is only skin-deep for many people.  Apply… Continue reading True dat – here as well as there

Quote of the day

  From Sarah Hoyt, on her blog: We don’t need a national divorce. We already have that. We’re a separated couple, sharing the same house, avoiding each other at every chance and interpreting the noises we hear as being something exciting like rains of spiders or giving birth to snakes, when really the ex just… Continue reading Quote of the day