Click the image for a larger view. So much of what we read and hear today is nothing more than political correctness writ large, that it’s worth reminding ourselves that at root, it’s all the same old extremist lie. The communists used it in bucketsful. So has almost every other extremist movement down the… Continue reading This bears repeating – again and again
Tag: Quotation
Quote of the day
From Karl Denninger, as he ponders the fallout from the raid on President Trump earlier this week. Politics is and always has been a blood sport. If you’re not prepared to take it on at that level you have no business getting involved in it. Word. The theft by electoral fraud of the 2020… Continue reading Quote of the day
Quote of the day
Courtesy of Matt Bracken on Gab (clickit to biggit): True dat. Peter
Quote of the day
From Glenn Reynolds, during a podcast: If you’re the president, if you’re a member of Congress, if you are a TSA agent, the only reason why somebody should listen to what you say, instead of horsewhipping you out of town for your impertinence, is because you exercise power via the Constitution. If the Constitution… Continue reading Quote of the day
A lesson in leadership
Larry Lambert brings us an object lesson in leadership from Napoleon Bonaparte. I won’t steal his thunder by copying his blog post here: click over to Virtual Mirage and read it for yourself. It won’t take you long. I found it inspiring because Bonaparte had many maxims that make solid good sense. One of… Continue reading A lesson in leadership
Quote of the day
(A tip o’ the hat to Diogenes’ Middle Finger for bringing it to our attention.) From the Would-Be Galactic Emperor, blogging at My Planet, My Rules: If you gather enough truly stupid people together in the same place, the resulting flash from the explosion of asshole can be seen in distant galaxies. Of course,… Continue reading Quote of the day
Quote of the week
From Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Rioters destroyed the Dilophosaurus statue outside the Kenosha Dinosaur Discovery Museum during the first night of riots. Now while not a slave-owning dinosaur, the Dilophosaurus, with a brain the size of a walnut, DOES routinely score higher on SATs than the average BLM thug. So I get the resentment. A sarcastic… Continue reading Quote of the week
Shakespeare’s influence on the things we say
I was interested to find this graphic on MeWe the other day. I knew of Shakespeare’s immense influence on the English language, of course, but it’s intriguing to see how many expressions that we take for granted can be found in his plays and verse. Without him, expressing ourselves would be much more difficult. Peter
Quote of the day
From an article at the Modern War Institute at West Point, titled “You really think I’m irrelevant? LOL.” A letter to Clausewitz haters from beyond the grave. It points out that despite the passage of time and technological developments since he wrote his classic treatise “On War“, Carl von Clausewitz‘s military doctrines remain relevant today.… Continue reading Quote of the day
Quote of the day
From comedian Owen Benjamin on Gab: When you own goats you understand why celebrities worship the goat. The male goat spends all day peeing on his own face, trying to fornicate [with] literally anything, and yelling incoherently. It’s the celebrity spirit animal. It’s hard to argue with that insight! Peter