Sometimes the jokes write themselves…

  I did a double-take when I saw this advertisement.  Click the image for a larger view. For a start, the caption “Air Force Pride” is, to say the least, problematic.  Remember, back in the day, being gay (i.e. homosexual) was referred to by some as being “light in the loafers“.  To actually market loafers… Continue reading Sometimes the jokes write themselves…

Election rivalry, Texas style

I had to laugh at political rivalry in Limestone, Texas (south of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex). It all started when local Democrats rented a billboard to display this poster. Unfortunately, they ignored the vacant billboard below it.  Local Republicans didn’t.  $1,200 in billboard rental later: I daresay the situation has been reversed in other localities.… Continue reading Election rivalry, Texas style

Ammunition sale

I’m continuing my efforts to make up for the current shortfall in my writing income, caused by my heart attack last November and my ongoing recovery from it.  I don’t want to ask for charity while I have other means to make a living – I was raised to believe that wouldn’t be moral, and… Continue reading Ammunition sale

The not-so-sweet smell of political success?

Just in time for this election year, here’s the perfect gift for the politically minded persons in your life – a candle made with (and smelling like) Kentucky horse doo-doo.  Just keep it out of your own home! Ahh, politics. United, divisive, and smells like the same old s***. Burn it down and start over… Continue reading The not-so-sweet smell of political success?

Just how much did that cup of coffee cost?

I’m amused at the brouhaha over the allegedly “accidental” placement of a Starbucks coffee cup in a scene from the latest Game of Thrones episode. Do you really believe that happened “accidentally”?  Do you really think that cup happened to “just end up” in the final season of what may be the most popular HBO… Continue reading Just how much did that cup of coffee cost?

Still one of the best advertisements ever made

I was happily reminded, via Earthbound Misfit, of the famous “herding cats” commercial filmed for Electronic Data Systems (EDS).  It was first broadcast during the 2000 Super Bowl championship game.  According to AdAge: Richard Brown … and ad veteran Don Uzzi … determined that they would make EDS famous with a Super Bowl ad. Fallon… Continue reading Still one of the best advertisements ever made

Data: defining ourselves by what we do

A very interesting article by Jacob Ward points out that privacy, as such, is no longer the critical issue for us:  rather, it’s the data about us accumulated by service providers that results in the effective demolition of any concept of “privacy” as such. Facebook and other companies may very well be protecting your privacy… Continue reading Data: defining ourselves by what we do

“Bait and switch” prices are still going strong

It looks like companies are getting sneaky with high-tech shopping apps, using them to bait you into visiting their stores or Web sites, then switching prices on you.  This and other tactics have been used online for well over a decade, as this 2005 report shows.  Now Target appears to be doing something similar. In… Continue reading “Bait and switch” prices are still going strong