It’s a video clip filmed on a helmet camera by a competitor in the Descenso del Condor bicycle race in La Paz, Bolivia. It’s described as ‘the highest urban downhill in the world‘. Riders descend about 450 meters (almost 1,500 feet) during the race. Hold on to your hat – and your lunch!
I'd have loved that when I was 13. Now? Not so much.
And then they go on to the next obstacle: knee surgery!
that's an attention grabber all right, but if you really want to impress me, let's see you start at the bottom.
Look how steady the cam is. You can see shots where the rider's hands move in and out of frame; that bike is moving a lot but the head stays steady. The rider's ability to use his body as a suspension for his head is impressive!
Wow. Never mind the ride – just look at how precipitous some of the drops to either side are!
1. Mechanical failure would have been deadly.
2. I'm sore from just watching it!