I’m even less sorry for him now

Readers will recall my comments on the botched execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma last month.  I summed up:

I think there was more than enough evidence to convict Mr. Lockett of his crimes and justify the sentence carried out yesterday.  I agree that things went very wrong in the process of executing him, and there should be follow-up to ensure that those responsible understand what happened and can make sure it doesn’t happen again.  However, I don’t have much time for those complaining that Mr. Lockett ‘suffered unnecessarily’ during the process.  In the first place, as far as we know, he was unconscious.  The physical reactions he exhibited did not in and of themselves signify that he was conscious or feeling any pain.  In the second place, he buried a young woman alive, leaving her to suffocate beneath the earth of her grave.  As far as I’m concerned, that greatly reduces my dismay over his somewhat protracted death.

Ann Coulter has taken the trouble to dig up more facts about the (happily) late Mr. Lockett.  I won’t steal her thunder, but if you click over to her article, you’ll see so many disgusting facts about this waste of oxygen that one can only be thankful he’s no longer among us.  [Two sentences excised due to inappropriate sentiments – I shouldn’t try to write about such things when I’m tired, and hurting, and reminded too much of the nastier convicts I have known.]

I wish those going on about how terrible the problems were in his execution would spare at least one breath to sympathize with the victims of his crimes . . . but I suppose that’s too much to ask in these politically correct times.



  1. "I think the State of Oklahoma should have killed him in precisely the same way he killed Stephanie Nieman."

    Sorry, Peter, but when the majesty of the law exerts its awful power it needs to be done dispasionately, else society as a whole sinks to the same level as the animals it is eliminating who are unfit and unsafe to live amongst us.

    I have no love for that person (or any other like him) but I refuse to be dragged down to his level and deplore any attempt to drag society down to that level.

    Capital punishment should be swift, sure, and certain. It used to be, but has not been even one of those criteria for so long even a dinosaur like me can barely remember those days. Most folks can only read about it in the history books.

    stay safe.

  2. To get to peace you have to be dispassionate. Evil is contagious; if you dwell on it, anger rises up in you and justifies you doing it as well. Subsequently, another person can look upon what you have done and begin to feel a similar anger. This is the stuff of longstanding feuds, tribal battles, war. The process of law, the process of keeping the peace requires quelling such anger.
    We either quell our rage and find ways of ending the violence in order that our children may live in peace, or we end up sacrificing our children to our deified rage.

  3. I'm not in the least troubled by his death, nor do I oppose the death penalty. But when we give the power of life and death to the State, we must be ever vigilant about how it is used.

    Why not use carbon monoxide, instead of an injection?


  4. Near as I can tell, using some of the logic I've read elsewhere, Mr. Lockett was not executed so there's nothing to complain about.

  5. You've been pretty outspoken about your opposition to the use of torture, Peter. How do you square a tolerance for a vengeful execution and an opposition to torture?

    (Serious question, not flamebait.)

  6. As others have said: we don't execute humanely for his benefit; we do it for our own. We do it so we don't sink to his level.

  7. Thanks to everyone who commented. Yes, you're right. I shouldn't write about this sort of thing when I'm tired, and hurting, and out of sorts with the world – it makes me rather too curmudgeonly for comfort, and less of a Christian than I should be.

    I take back my wish that the late Mr. Lockett should be buried alive. By all means let him be executed, but dispassionately. I've modified the article accordingly.

    Thanks, everyone.

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