I’m working my trousers to the bone . . .

. . . sitting at my desk, writing several thousand words a day on a major project.  It’s going well, following a burst of inspiration a couple of weeks ago.  Since then I’ve edited about 40,000 words of a previous draft and added about 30,000 new words to it.  Hard work and long hours, but mentally rewarding (and, I hope, financially rewarding some day as well!).

Today’s been a long one, writing from about 5 a.m. onward, interspersed with a few hours of cooking, shopping and napping.  I’ll put in another hour or two before I sleep tonight.  Blog posts will unfortunately suffer tonight, but I’ll try to put a couple up tomorrow morning.

To add insult to injury, my internet access is very spotty tonight.  Windows 7 diagnostics tell me it’s a DNS server issue.  I’ve tried rebooting my modem and router a few times, but it’s still intermittent.  I hope I’ll be able to post at least this little screed!

More tomorrow.  Sleep well, y’all.



  1. Peter….. cut yourself some slack. Free ice cream is nice and all, but if the writting you're doing is gonna put coin in yer pocket and fulfill a personal need, we can wait a bit. Get your head right, do what needs doing, we'll be here when ya check in. Good scribbling. B-)

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