In memoriam: Gene Wilder

I was sorry to learn that Gene Wilder, who in my opinion was one of the best comedic actors of his generation, has died.  His movies gave me hours of pleasure, and his sometimes whimsical yet always well-grounded interpretations made me think.  Not many actors have done that, over the years.

There are many films for which he’ll be remembered.  My favorite is ‘The Frisco Kid‘, a comedy in which he plays a rabbi making his way through the Wild West to San Francisco (with Harrison Ford as a reluctant and less-than-honest sidekick).  Perhaps it’s because I’m a pastor that it appeals so much to my sense of humor.

Rest in peace, Mr. Wilder, sir.  Thanks for the memories.


EDITED TO ADD:  Perhaps the best comment I’ve seen on Mr. Wilder’s passing, from the Telegraph, which compared him to “a latter-day Chaplin”:

“Wilder’s characters were less loose cannons than untethered hosepipes, that could uncoil at any given moment, flail neurotically and spritz everyone in sight. That he seldom actually did this was the best part of the joke, and the cause of much ecstatically tense laughter throughout his career.”


  1. Another fan of Wilder and The Frisco Kid. Turner Classics will be having a remembrance on Thursday night starting at 8 pm and will show The Frisco Kid around 2 am.
    Set your DVRs…

    PS: If you don't have cable, Turner Classics has an app so you can wtqch their movies.

  2. My favorite Gene Wilder movie is The Producers. The opening scene with Gene and Zero Mostel locked together in a room for 8 minutes of ad-lib was pure genius.

  3. A very funny guy, I hope he knew how happy he made the world with his performances. I enjoyed his movies too. Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor were hilarious. RIP sir.

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