It’s Monster Hunter time again!

My blog- and forum-buddy Larry Correia has the fourth book in his Monster Hunter series out this week.  ‘Monster Hunter Legion‘ is also his first book to be published in hardcover, as opposed to trade paperback.  From the book blurb on Amazon:

Monster Hunter International might be the premier monster eradication company in the business, but they’ve got competition.

When hunters from around the world gather in Las Vegas for a conference, a creature left over from a World War Two weapons experiment wakes up and goes on a rampage across the desert. A not-so-friendly wager between the rival companies turns into a race to see who can bag the mysterious creature first.

Only there is far more to this particular case than meets the eye, and as Hunters fall prey to their worst nightmares, Owen Zastava Pitt and the staff of Monster Hunter International have to stop an ancient god from turning Sin City into a literal hell on earth.

Also available is a hardback omnibus edition of the first three Monster Hunter novels, titled simply ‘The Monster Hunters‘.  Both titles are also available as e-books from Baen directly – see Larry’s author page at their Web site.

If you haven’t read any of Larry’s ‘Monster Hunter’ series yet, you’re in for a treat.  I’m pleased to say that I helped with beta-reading and publicizing his books from the beginning, when he first self-published ‘Monster Hunter International‘.  (He even sketched out a minor character in that book based on me – those of you who know me will be able to identify him, I’m sure.)  That book did so well that Baen Books signed him to a contract, and he’s now got half a dozen books out.  (The back cover of MHI still contains reviews by yours truly and by Lawdog, which tickles me no end!)

Congratulations on another book, Larry, one that I’m sure will be another best-seller.  Yes, my order’s already in!



  1. Hardcover, crap, I hate when they shift formats mid series. It's not his first hardcover book Spellbound was released in hardcover.

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