I was nonplussed to read of a suggestion by a Japanese corporate shareholder. The Guardian reports:
“It should be stipulated in the articles of incorporation that all toilets within the company’s offices shall be Japanese-style toilets, thereby toughening the legs and loins,” reads one proposal …
“The company can surely avoid failure if they straddle over a Japanese-style toilet every day and strengthen their lower body.”
Other Japan watchers, who insist that they know about such things, also report that upmarket toilets in the country possess functions allowing the pampering of top executives’ bottoms. In the UK, that job is left to the remuneration committee.
There’s more at the link.
Dare I say that the shareholder doesn’t know squat about (Western) corporate praxis? On the other hand, there may be something to his claims, according to Mark’s Daily Apple. The adventurous may wish to give it a try – but given my fused lower back and nerve damage in my left leg, I might never be able to get up again, so I’ll pass!
The adventurous may wish to give it a try – but given my fused lower back and nerve damage in my left leg, I might never be able to get up again, so I'll pass!
Or, more accurately, you won't pass…. 😉