The latest on The High Road

Regular readers will recall that I’ve written several times in the past about the theft of The High Road, a firearms forum, from Oleg Volk, its rightful owner. (There are six links there.)

Oleg Volk has posted an update on his LiveJournal about the case. Briefly, oral depositions have been taken, and further depositions are required. As soon as they’ve been completed, a date for trial will be set, probably sometime in the New Year. (I had posted more details, but I’ve taken them down so as not to interfere with the legal process.)

I’ve supported Oleg since the beginning on this matter, as have almost the entire firearms community who are aware of the facts of the matter. Here’s hoping for a speedy resolution in his favor.



  1. I wish I could send him another check, but I'm not working right now. I'm saddened by how long this is taking.


  2. [quoting Bayou Renaissance Man]
    In the light of these developments, I now believe that only a felony conviction and appropriate jail sentence will adequately address his having compounded his initial crime by his most recent (and equally dishonest) actions.

    I've had some useful feedback from my former colleagues in the US Department of Justice. I'll be seeing the local US Attorney next week (I've already made an appointment), and I'll lay all the details before him, with a request that he forward them to whichever US Attorney has the best claim to jurisdiction in this matter (there are three candidates). I'm also aware that at least four District Attorneys have now been contacted, in various jurisdictions, and that matters are in hand to press charges under State laws as well. I'm hopeful that Mr. Zeanah will face multiple criminal charges, in multiple jurisdictions, and be convicted in all of them.[end quote]

    What, exactly, transpired of this? Made out to sound as if criminal charges were a slam dunk.

  3. Anonymous, the matter is in hand. However, as often happens with court cases, the various options on the table have to sort themselves out. The civil case is in hand. Once that's resolved, its outcome will probably predicate what happens with any further charges or legal developments. That's frequently the way things work.

  4. Yesterday, if I remember correctly, you had the summary on your website. I understand why Oleg had to take down his summary, but you could have left your excerpt up.

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