A lousy way to start the Christmas weekend

I’m frankly appalled at the disgusting behavior of so many shoppers trying to get their hands on a limited-edition shoe released this morning. Let the headlines speak for themselves (click any of them to go to the linked news report):

So much for the “season of peace and goodwill”, at least as far as these particular representatives of the underclass are concerned! I wonder how many of them will recall, much less celebrate, the reason for the season?

(On the other hand, perhaps it’s a good thing that mistletoe is in very short supply this Christmas, thanks to the drought in Texas. If those idiots tried to kiss each other under the mistletoe, given the purportedly lethal mythological origins of the custom, they’d probably start a riot and cause mass casualties!)



  1. I finally turned my back on Nike when they signed the newly reformed Michael Vick as a role model. Nike actively panders to gangstas while riding the "respectable" coattails of professional athletics. Instead of distancing itself from the earlier Air Jordan "riots," Nike decided to perpetuate them and capitalize on them. Scum.

  2. Not very Christmasy of me, but no more Nikes for me, either. Enough is enough. Now, if I could just find a peaceful corner somewhere and quiet it out until January 2nd.
    Happy Christmas, Everyone!

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