Made it safely to Chattanooga

Miss D. and I have arrived safely in Chattanooga for this year’s LibertyCon.  We met up with Sarah Hoyt, her husband and sons, and went off to a Greek restaurant to stuff our faces indulge in some fine dining.  A very good time was had by all.  Some other Con attendees were also there – looks like we’re not the only ones to arrive a couple of days early for socialization purposes.

After a very late evening of most enjoyable conversation, catching up on each others’ news, we’re going to turn in and catch up on some Z’s.  I’ll try to put up another post in the morning.

Sleep well, y’all.



  1. He was wrong about being the end of the line. We are all connected by virtue of being part of the family of man. Somewhere, a baby has been born who in some ways has the likes and dislikes of this man. Whether we choose to parent or not, by virtue of our connections to one another, we all go on, even here on Earth.

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