Move over, “Far Side” – here comes “Tundra”

I’ve been cackling with mirth at Chad Carpenter’s ‘Tundra‘ comic strip.  Miss D. introduced me to it this morning.  She says Alaskans view it as their answer to Gary Larson’s ‘The Far Side‘, and I can see the resemblance.  Here are a few of Chad’s cartoons to whet your appetite.

There are many more at the link.  Great fun!



  1. They are a bit twisted, and some definitely need a "northern reference" to make sense, but some good stuff. I can proudly say I even have an autographed copy of his first book of comic strips.

  2. I also have his first book, unsigned, picked it up in '91 from the hobby shop in Eagle River. He use to do a three panel format, has he gone fully to a single panel format?

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