The Nobel Peace Prize?

No. I refuse to believe it.

President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Surely even the Nobel Committee, who could award it to an Al Gore rather than a Irena Sendler, couldn’t so crass, so dumbass, so over-the-top insane as to award it to an international nobody? Because that’s what President Obama is, by any fair and rational standard. He has virtually no international track record at all! (That has nothing to do with his politics at all, by the way – it’s a statement of fact.)

Did I slip into some strange timewarp thingy while under anaesthetic this week?

I must have.

I mean . . . surely?



  1. It was him, or give it to Carter again.

    Glad you're well enough to post-but maybe you should stay away from the news, until the Doc gives you the all clear.


  2. Come now, he was president for a whole ten days when he was nominated. Surely Hope and Change flowed across the world?

    Yeah, the Nobel folks have finally jumped the shark.

  3. I wish it were a sick joke. Unfortunately, the man got it. Just for showing up, so to speak.

    I guess they gave it too him for ignoring the current war, since that seems to be the current policy.

  4. The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.

    (Let's face it, any author writing this in a story would get laughed out of the bookstore.)

  5. Hell of a thing, huh? I shouldn't be surprised, he is obviously good at winning elections no matter what everyone else thinks.

    I'm glad to hear you're on the mend.


  6. I felt the Nobel committee had lost relevance when it was given to Arafat. I was sure when Gore got it. This just ices it.

  7. Both Obama and the Nobel committee admitted it wasn't for anything he'd accomplished.

    Yeah. What makes five Norwegian parliament members happy in their politics hasn't really been relevant for a long time now, and the prize was Alfred Nobel's attempt to buy his way out of ignominy in the first place…

  8. Since the Nobel peace prize was awarded to someone I know is a pedophile, I lost total faith in the selection process and the relevance of that award.

    Not to say that Obama won't deserve it at some stage. Maybe. But be nominated 10 days after assuming office? Hellllloooooo?????

    It is obvious that prize is a sham.

  9. Well, he was nominated–along with over 200 other people–by February, but the selection isn't made until September/October. (Also, the preponderance of NPPs in the last 40 years are "aspirational" rather than based on past performance anyhow.)

    …which isn't to say the NPP and its process are problem-free. (Check out the articles I linked to in my last comment–sometimes, the NPP has done more harm than good!)

  10. See what happens when you're not keeping an eye on things, Peter?

    We weren't going to tell you until you'd had a few days of rest and healing. Glad you're posting again; welcome back to the surreal world.

  11. Even his fans are scratching their heads over this one. I know a guy who is a huge Obama supporter, and his response was "I thought it was an Onion article at first."

    Now quit worrying about it and heal up.

  12. I knew this headline would have you back to blogging if you were at all able; silence would have worried everyone even more. Glad you're back!

  13. Glad you are back in the blogging saddle! Honestly, I am a bit surprised Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. While the thought of such a prize is appealing, it takes some serious chutzpah to accept when you know you haven't earned it. The Nobel committee is now officially a joke. They are still pretty good when it comes to the hard sciences, but the peace and humanities awards are an utter waste.


  14. I love it- When the award is so obviously totally unwarranted, it brings ridicule to recipent.

    Glad you are awake!

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