Not for the faint-hearted

Here’s a magnificent remastered video of Ari Vatanen‘s record-breaking run during the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb in Colorado in 1988, driving the Peugeot 405 T16 GR.  He completed it in a time of 10m. 47.77sec.  Watch it in full-screen mode for best results – and turn up the volume.  That motor sounds sublime!

That’s a fast mover, all right . . . and a fast Finn driving it!



  1. Friend Dick Dodge won it twice and held the record for quite awhile.
    Considering he was an independent running against the big money teams it was a hell of an accomplishment.


  2. I knew Louie Unser Jr back in the day. He told me his first MS symptom occurred during the Pikes Peak Hill Climb when he entered a corner and couldn't lift his foot off the throttle. He explained he used his hand to lift his leg for the rest of the climb. Those people who run that hill climb have a special kind of courage.

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