Office politics, Whiteboard style


I’ve mentioned The Whiteboard comic strip in these pages on several occasions.  It remains one of my daily reads.

Yesterday’s cartoon made me laugh.  Having had to deal with friction between members of my team, I could put names to those two . . .  Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the comic’s Web page.

The next cartoon (i.e. today’s) continues the story.



  1. Have you read that Mallard Fillmore has been cancelled? I've enjoyed The WhiteBoard comic for some years now.

  2. Nuke Road Warrior, I receive a daily email from Comics Kingdom – "Mallard Fillmore" was in today's; and is still at the site.

    What I found is that Gannett has dropped "Mallard Fillmore"; but then I dropped the local Gannett paper years ago.

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