Picking up the pieces of our daily routine


There’s no Memes That Made Me Laugh post this week, as my travels precluded gathering them from here and there as I normally do.  The regular Memes post will return next Monday.

Let’s start out the week with a smile.  Task & Purpose is a military-oriented Web site that often has useful, interesting articles.  I had to laugh out loud at a recent review of gadgets and gizmos that grunts would find useful, over and above Army-issue gear, when in the field.  Among the articles reviewed was Pampers Baby Wipes, recommended as a toilet paper replacement.  The review read:

This bulk order comes with 864 total wipes. If you’re eating MREs, the first one should last you a week and the remaining 863 will last through the following day.

That sounds about right!  Anyone who’s had to subsist on military ration packs (in any army) for more than a day or two will understand it all too well . . .



  1. I encountered 1-man Rat-Packs back in the late 70s. We were duly informed that in case of the trots, we were to eat the tinned cheese. In case of constipation, eat the chocolate.
    Whatever you did….. don’t eat the red kidney beans.

  2. How is it that MREs can be so bad? Was it just a question of tossing the worst of the leftovers to the grunts? Or is it quality control problems?

  3. Philip:

    when you purchase food of any type, and make your choice by price, you tend to end up with less than stellar results. Add on that MRE's are required to last in storage for many years, and the potential problems speak for themselves… sometimes loudly in relation to the porcelain throne.

    I've heard that our MREs rank at the bottom of the list of similar food from the rest of the worlds military's, except for the Russian version.

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