Prostitutes downgrade US credit rating!

According to the Borowitz Report (with tongue firmly in cheek):

Days after Secret Service agents shortchanged a group of prostitutes in Colombia, the international trade group representing hookers downgraded the United States’ credit rating from AAA to B.

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The statement from the International Alliance of Professional Escorts said that in downgrading the United States’ credit rating it was sending a clear message that its “members should be aware that doing business with the government of the United States carries with it a significant risk.”

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But it was not all bad news this week for the Secret Service, which today reported a 5000% jump in enlistment.

There’s more at the link.


1 comment

  1. These ladies are right on it. It took them exactly one week, when it took S&P, Moody's and Fitch two years to downgrade the US, and even then they couldn't come to an agreement! Business is business … 🙂

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