Refugees or immigrants? They’re not the same thing.

Fellow immigrants, authors, and bloggers at the Mad Genius Club writing blog, Dave Freer and Sarah Hoyt, have shared their perspectives (at Sarah’s blog) on what it means to be an immigrant, and how they see the current refugee situation.  As an immigrant myself, I found their contributions very interesting.

Dave points out that there’s a big difference between being a refugee and being an immigrant.

Now I’ve long held that U.N. definitions of ‘refugee’ is a load of fetid dingo’s kidneys. You’re a refugee when you’ve gone just far enough to escape the strife you and your family were facing. That strife is serious you-will-be-shot-your-daughter-raped if you do not leave now. It’s a slippery slope if you start allowing less rigorous definitions. That means that ‘refugee status’ extends a few hundred meters outside the range of being shot and your daughter raped. That status continues only for as long as the clear and present danger exists. When you can go back, you should.

If you can never go back you need to look for a new home. You become a prospective emigrant, facing the same hurdles and challenges as any other emigrant. Country A may feel sorry for the plight of the poor refugees huddled on the border, and allow them to immigrate. But that is not being a refugee. It’s being an immigrant. If you’re going to allow that refugee to leave the 100 yards of safety and come to your country: well it would be bitterly unfair to the native born, to taxpayers and to the legal immigrants to let them immigrate and become citizens and beneficiaries of your country without the same conditions. If you’re merely granting asylum: Their status is temporary, highly conditional, and if the clear and present danger is not there: they go home.

There’s more at the link.

Sarah warns that acculturation is an inescapable part of immigration.  If we ignore the former, the later cannot succeed.

So this brings us to taking in refugees from a culture so different from ours as to be mind-boggling, (and you wouldn’t get HOW different unless you’d lived in one half way there), from a religion that considers itself at war (physical, not just spiritual) with us and modernity, from a place where tribe is primary above all…

. . .

Will it be an easy road to acculturation?  No.  For one, our culture ACTIVELY DISCOURAGES acculturating.  It’s considered a “betrayal” of your “native” culture.

. . .

Acculturation HURTS.  Even when you want it, it’s a very painful process.  Think of the worst days of your teenage years, and multiply them by five or ten years of consciously dragging yourself through this process.

. . .

People who have never acculturated, people who are frankly quite ignorant of what “foreign” or “abroad” means, beyond their easy, lazy, fluffy headed vacations talking to other people like them abroad, call those scared of such an influx of people in that bind “ignorant.”  I guess because they lack a mirror.

Is it scary?  It is very scary.  Can it end well?  Of course it can.

But the way it ends well is where our society cheerfully smiles and says “fit in, or f*ck off.”  We’ll embrace little Achmed and little Fatima as our countrymen, but NOT if they go around demanding Sharia, telling us to stop eating pork, and that we can’t write/make stupid parodies of Allah, as we do of every other religion/belief in our culture.  Sure, they can roll their eyes at the stupid parodies, or write outraged blog posts about our disrespect.  But they don’t have the right to try to curtail us by law, or to bring their f*cked up culture, which caused their problems to begin with, here.

I don’t see it happening, at least not while our current multi-culti elites are in power.  Which means what we’re doing is importing trouble for later.

Again, more at the link.

Sarah immigrated to the USA from Portugal, as I did from South Africa.  Dave immigrated to Australia from South Africa.  They speak from intimate personal experience.  Go read both their articles in full, and then look at the wave of so-called ‘refugees’ swamping Europe (and coming to our country as well) through their eyes.  They speak wisdom.



  1. I immigrated from New Mexico to Texas.

    If you think I'm kidding, I'm not.

    Just for starters, we were told that our son would have to learn Spanish before he could go to school, because he was the only "gring—- er, white boy een hees class", 11 of the children being children of our "freeends from across de boardair" and couldn't speak any English, so they decided to teach all the classes in Spanish.

    The school principal claimed the "bilingual Education Program" allowed for this, and the school board(All Mexican or snowflake) backed him up.

    And that's just for starters. We had very bad things happen to us, incidents exclusively generated by Anglo-hating Mexicans. My wife was run off the road by three Mexicans… and worse.

    Don't go to New Mexico. Don't even drive through it. Don't leave a single damned penny in that State.

    If I ever go back, it will be to hunt down three filthy Mexicans.

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