The video clip below shows an astonishingly narrow mountain pass with hairpin bends. I haven’t been able to identify the road or the country – can any readers help? Anyway, the passing skills required of heavy vehicle drivers on this pass simply boggle the mind.
I’d hate to be the filling in an eighteen-wheeler sandwich on that road!
Trollstigen (troll´s steps) in Norway, IMO.,+Norsko&sll=62.448865,7.182312&sspn=0.932504,1.911621&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=%C3%85ndalsnes,+Rauma,+M%C3%B8re+og+Romsdal,+Norsko&ll=62.457836,7.677212&spn=0.058262,0.119476&t=p&z=13
In (almost) all its beauty here:
Agree with Wojtee. We had to drive from Stavager to Trondheim a number of years ago, and I 'think' we actually went over that stretch… I was scared s**tless..
I'd bet there's whole stretches where most of those guardrails have very little paint on 'em…
Good grief! I thought Wolf Creek Pass was bad but at least it is 2 lane.
Wow, no room for mistakes there!
I would need my brown pants to take that one on..