Safely in Colorado

Miss D. and I have made it safely to Colorado.  Over the next few days we’ll be visiting her brother, and also author, friend and mentor to both of us, Sarah Hoyt and her family.  Much good food is likely to be consumed by all concerned.

We had a pleasant trip here.  Both of our vehicles are getting on in years, and aren’t very comfortable for long trips;  but we pretty much had to drive, because of all we’re carrying with us for the Blogorado gathering this coming weekend.  (Just for a start, we have a dozen firearms and something like 10,000 rounds of ammunition.  Try checking that at an airport and see how fast the security people lock you up – to say nothing of the excess baggage charges!)

Accordingly, we rented a ‘premium car’ from Enterprise.  On a weekly basis, it’s surprisingly affordable, and the large, comfortable vehicle made the two-day trip from Tennessee a real pleasure.  Neither of us suffered much from the pains in the back and joints to which we’ve grown accustomed on earlier trips.  I can see we’ll be doing this more often.

I’ll post more tonight.  Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves with the blogs in my sidebar.



  1. Beautiful state, Colorado. But don't breathe too deep unless you want to revisit college days. Enjoy! Best wishes for a wonderful, safe trip!

    You might check when the meteor shower is. The mountains are great for viewing.

  2. Farmmom — Sitting over here SW of Pueblo, industrial hemp looks like a possible alternative for some groundwater-irrigated crops, such as corn — for some people, in some places, some of the time.

    What is your take on it?

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