Second annual Indie Author Labor Day Sale

A bunch of independent author-publishers, including yours truly, have gotten together for our second annual Labor Day book sale.  Each author has selected one of their books (usually the first in a series, to serve as a good introduction to the rest), and reduced the price for this weekend only.  For example, I’ve dropped the price on ‘Take The Star Road‘ to just 99c.

You’ll find a complete list of all the books on sale over at Mad Genius Club.  Browse through the titles, and see if there’s anything you’d like.  It’s a great weekend to save money on reading matter, and discover new authors at the same time!



  1. I've been enjoying your blog so I suppose it's only right if I try your fiction. I have taken advantage of the deal. Hopefully I'll like it enough to come back for more.

  2. I'm enjoying the series immensely. I'm near the end of book three as I type. They way I'm going I'll have read all your books just in time for your new novel to come out!

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