“She was born by accident” – literally!

I’m sure we’ve all heard of “accidental pregnancies”.  Now, courtesy of a link provided by Australian reader Snoggeramus, here’s a birth that was literally accidental!

Mokhles Raheema said his wife was in the passenger seat on Sunday as he was rushing her to a maternity ward in the eastern city of Gavle [in Sweden] when she began giving birth.

“She told me, ‘she’s coming out, she’s coming out!'” Mr Raheema told public television. “I saw my daughter come out and fall headfirst onto the floor” of the car, he added.

His eyes left the road, and the car veered into a ditch before rolling over four times, he said.

When the car came to rest, Mr Raheema said his wife was beside him and their other two children, aged one and eight, were in the backseat and conscious, but he could not see the baby.

Finally he spotted her under the passenger seat, “under her mum”.

“I fetched her and held her against me. She was crying,” Mr Raheema said.

. . .

Mr Raheema said he was sorry that he had totalled the car, which belonged to a friend.

There’s more at the link.

I think that last sentence should read “former friend” . . .


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