So much for the Darth Vader Burger . . .

A Belgian fast food chain is to offer a series of Star Warsthemed burgers during the first quarter of 2012. Yahoo! Shine reports:

How much force needs to be with you to eat a black burger? The Belgian fast food chain Quick is celebrating the upcoming “Phantom Menace 3D” movie premiere by launching a line of “Star Wars”-themed burgers.

The burgers will debut in Quick restaurants throughout France on January 31, just before the film’s February release in the country. Despite being in French, the ads for the burgers have sent the entire Internet into a tailspin of equal parts repulsion and curiosity.

There’s more at the link.

What intrigued (and convulsed) me were the comments to that report. Here’s a very small selection out of the 2,997 comments recorded as at the time of writing.

There are many, many more like that. Click over and read them for yourself . . . but be prepared to spend quite a while doing so!


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