Special price on “Take The Star Road” – two days only!

If any of my readers haven’t tried my novels yet, and would like to, I’m currently running a promotion through Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deals.  My first novel, ‘Take The Star Road‘, is on special at 99c for the next couple of days.  The deal ends on Thursday evening.

I’ve publicized the promotion through BookBub and other services, and so far it’s going very well.  I’ve sold almost 1,500 copies since it kicked off on Sunday evening.  Of course, because the price is heavily discounted I make much less money per book sold, but that’s OK – I hope to gain a large number of readers who otherwise wouldn’t have tried it at all, and who will (I hope) go on to enjoy my other books.

Finally, an appeal:  if you’ve read any of my books and have not yet left a review on Amazon.com, please, please do so!  It helps prospective readers decide whether they’d like to try it, and it helps me when it comes to arranging promotional deals like this – one factor that organizers take into account is the number and quality of reviews a book has attracted.

Thanks very much to everyone who’s already bought one or more of my books.  You’re a blessing.


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