SQUEEEEEE! – book edition

Michael Z. Williamson, friend, author, and scourge of the politically correct, has released the line-up of stories and writers for his forthcoming anthology, to be published next year.  Therefore, I can now confirm that I’m one of them.

In a Facebook post, Mike said:

The Freehold anthology will look like this:

The Tachi, Zachary Hill
Musings of a Hermit, Larry Correia
Stronger than Steel, Mike Massa
He Who Lives Wins, John F. Holmes
Souvenirs, Rob Reed
Broken Spirit, Michael Z. Williamson and Dale Flowers
Okoyukki, Tom Kratman
The Day The Tide Rolled In, Michael Z. Williamson and Leo Champion
Ripper, Peter Grant
Case Hardened, Chris Smith
Magnum Opus, Jason Cordova
Virgins, Tony Daniel
The Reluctant Heroine, Michael Z. Williamson
The Thin Green Line, Michael Z. Williamson
Family Over Blood, Kacey Ezell
Choices and Consequences, Michael Z. Williamson

Briefly, the anthology will follow the adventures of multiple owners of Kendra Pacelli’s sword, which she used to good effect as the heroine of Mike’s well-known debut novel, Freehold.

The stories will begin in the samurai era in Japan, and range forward until several centuries after the events in Freehold, covering a span of a couple of thousand years.  Each story will focus on one owner of the sword, and one of their adventures.

I won’t give away any spoilers, but my story (set in the future) draws heavily on my African background in terms of a danger not always thought of in the context of science fiction.  I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope you’ll have at least as much fun reading it when the anthology is published.

As for being in the same anthology as Larry Correia, and Tom Kratman, and Mike Williamson, and . . . and . . .

SQUEEEEE!  Color me excited!


EDITED TO ADD:  If you haven’t read Freehold, the e-book is free to download from Amazon or the Baen Free Library.  It’s a good read.


  1. It would be useful to the uninitiated to mention the original Freehold e-book is free on Amazon or Baen. I certainly enjoyed it.

  2. Congrats Peter!

    Being a greedy reader will this be a Baen E-ARD or in a monthly bundle?

    Both are ways to get the book early if Toni lets it out.

  3. Looking forward to that one. Although if the blade started as a tachi (guessing from that title), of all things, it's going to be quirky.

    Take care

  4. Freehold. Yes, read it. I somehow missed it, until Sean Sorrentino pointed out on a podcast that it was free. I've red it three times since. It's a first novel, and a bit uneven, but well worth the read.

  5. Very good news indeed. Freehold was my first introduction to MZW. He's quirky as hell but a far more capable writer then many others. I believe, as with yourself, the more diverse and complicated life histories of writers the better the end results. Particularly so in military oriented science fiction.

  6. Baen is the bane of my book budget. (Well, that and research book buying, but that I can stop any time. Really. Pinkie swear.)


  7. Well, at least they're EASY to budget. 18 $ / month. Could be worse.

    Thing is… IS the book coming through Baen?

    Take care.

  8. Congrats, Peter!!

    Having been a big fan of the Freehold series, I look forward to the anthology when it comes out, and can't wait to read your contribution.

  9. I was reminded that book is coming out and Peter was mentioned in the weekly Baen podcast during an interview with MZW.

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