‘Stoke The Flames Higher’ is almost ready!

I’ve made four editing passes through the fifth volume of the Maxwell Saga, ‘Stoke The Flames Higher’.  It’s also been through four beta readers.  A few problems were found, all of which have been addressed.  I think it’s almost ready to launch.

Miss D. and I are currently working on the blurb.  I’ll be publishing the book on Amazon in e-book format very shortly, with print and audio versions to follow in the new year, depending on how fast I can get them out.  I’ve also got to liaise with friends and fellow bloggers, to ensure that I get the word out as soon as the book’s available.

It will probably be available early next week, God willing and the creek don’t rise.  I hope you enjoy it!



  1. Good to hear!

    I came for the books, stayed for the blog, but still want the books.

    If it helps your ego Peter, you're on the short list of "buy day one" authors I've got.

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