Stylish sidecars

As a former motorcycle rider (and perhaps future rider too, if my health improves sufficiently), I’ve always been fascinated by sidecars. They’re very useful, and have served some very interesting purposes during their history, including machine-gun carrier, ambulance, repair vehicle, camper . . . even hearses! (I officiated at one funeral where the deceased, a motorcyclist, was loaded into a sidecar hearse for the trip from the church to the cemetery. It was interesting, to say the least – particularly because of the number of large, hairy, leather-clad bikers in attendance! My church organist was on tenterhooks throughout the service in case they disapproved of her playing or my preaching . . . )

The good people at Dark Roasted Blend have just published a feature article about sidecars, with lots of fascinating photographs. Here are a few to whet your appetite.

There are many more pictures at the link. Fun stuff!



  1. In Denmark in the early sixties I saw what might be a contender for biggest load carried on a motorcycle. The bike was undoubtedly a Nimbus, a four-cylinder inline Danish brand, with a flatbed sidecar. The load consisted of four men and a wringer-style washing machine. Operator, passenger behind him and two standing on the sidecar holding the washing machine.

  2. My mother in her younger days drove a Victoria, German bike; but when Dad was home on leave, she rode in the sidecar. 🙂

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