Sunday morning music

I’m going to try something new on this blog.  I’ve been putting up multiple posts per day ever since I started blogging back in 2008, and that will continue for the foreseeable future.  However, with my writing as well as the blogging (four novels, one novella and one short story scheduled for this year!), I’m getting overloaded.  I really need to take a bit more time to relax.

I’m therefore going to take Sundays off blogging, as far as I can (although, if something really important comes up, I’ll make an exception for it).  Instead, I’ll put up a Sunday morning music post, probably the night before, then leave the blog alone for the rest of the day, resuming normal posting on Monday.

To kick off the new approach, here’s one of the most beautiful Celtic songs I’ve ever heard. It’s “Iain Ghlinn ‘Cuaich” (meaning “Iain [or John] Of Glen Quoich”), a classic lament by a woman scorned by her lover.  I’ve chosen the rendition by Scottish folk supergroup Capercaillie.  Their lead singer, Karen Matheson, has a spectacularly beautiful voice (Sean Connery described it as “a throat that is surely touched by God”).  The lyrics, with an English translation, may be found here.

One sees what Sean Connery meant about Karen Matheson’s voice . . .



  1. As someone who reads what you write, I am cool with this. Go, make more awesome stories. We'll abide just fine, sir. *grin*

  2. Karen's voice has a clarity that brings Karen Carpenter to mind. So rare these days, what with "popular" voices sounding like they had o.d.'d on cheap cigars.

    (more than meets the eye)

  3. Hey Peter;

    That is a good thing, I use "Monday Music" for years, it is a staple…the one consistent on my blog lol. Something to breakup the history stuff and the political stuff.

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