
  Found on Gab.  Clickit to biggit. Isn’t that great?  I don’t have a very “visual” imagination – mine’s more textual and linear, perhaps not surprising in a writer – but some people have the most amazing ability to pick up what you or I might consider trash, or flotsam and jetsam, and assemble a… Continue reading Cool!

How many of you remember shopping lists like this?

  I came across this photo of an old-fashioned metal shopping list on Gab yesterday.  Click the image for a larger view. It brought back many memories, because my mother had one like it in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  It hung over the counter in the kitchen where she prepared our meals.  She’d flip one… Continue reading How many of you remember shopping lists like this?

Creative insults, jewelry edition

  Full marks for creativity to the artist who designed this brooch.  A tip o’ the hat to Phlegm Fatale for sending me the link. It’s certainly original.  I can think of all sorts of situations where a lady might wish to wear something like that, to display her contempt for proceedings, but in a… Continue reading Creative insults, jewelry edition

Some amazing street art

  Sometimes everyday graffiti is so well done that it becomes street art.  Courtesy of a link over at Ace of Spades, we find this article at Nailspot highlighting the work of Tom Bob.  Here are a few examples. Creativity in action!  There are many more images at the link.  Enjoyable viewing. Peter

Boys and their vast mechanical toys

  The statistics of this engine are mind-boggling. The Emma Maerskā€™s Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbocharged two-stroke diesel ship engine is the most powerful and most efficient prime-mover of super ships in the world today. The RTA96-C is the largest engine in the world and is available in 6 through 14 cylinder versions, all are inline engines.… Continue reading Boys and their vast mechanical toys

Boys and their highly explosive toys – again

Here’s another team with too much time on their hands.  They have a lot of fun with it, and with things that go bang! (If the embedded video fails to play, click here to watch it on YouTube.) Looks like a good time was had by all. Bowling ball cannons are fun.  We had one… Continue reading Boys and their highly explosive toys – again