Learning a lot about my body, and about pain

As many readers will know, I suffered a work-related back injury in 2004.  After two surgeries, I was left with a fused spine and permanent damage to my sciatic nerve.  I’ve been in constant pain, 24/7/365, since the date of injury, with just one glorious, all-too-brief break in 2005, when I was given an epidural… Continue reading Learning a lot about my body, and about pain

Overhead presses and “hinge points” – I have a problem!

One of the exercises I’m doing as part of strength training is the overhead press (sometimes called the “military press”, or simply “the press”).  Here’s how it works.  (No, I’m not lifting nearly as much weight as shown in the video!  I’m just a beginner!) I’m following that instruction, and doing the overhead press at… Continue reading Overhead presses and “hinge points” – I have a problem!

The most expensive part of my home strength training setup . . .

. . . is no longer the weights, bars and accessories that I bought (I wrote about them a few weeks ago).  It’s now the bench I’ll use to support several of my exercises at home. As most of you know, I suffered a semi-crippling injury back in 2004, which (after two surgeries) left me… Continue reading The most expensive part of my home strength training setup . . .