Not a bad idea!

Via Gizmodo, we learn of a refrigerator designed especially for those sharing a home. It was designed by Stefan Buchberger, who entered it in the Electrolux Design Lab 2008 competition, where it’s one of nine finalists. The Gizmodo reporter goes on: Buchberger said he decided to create Flatshare from personal experience, after discovering that “there… Continue reading Not a bad idea!

This explains a lot!

A headline in the Times of India speaks volumes. Eating veggies shrinks the brain 14 Sep 2008 MELBOURNE: Scientists have discovered that going veggie could be bad for your brain -with those on a meat-free diet six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage. Vegans and vegetarians are the most likely to be deficient because… Continue reading This explains a lot!

Does this count as self-abuse?

I feel ill just reading this article! Barrientos got the idea for eating the 26×26 after watching an Internet video of a man finishing a 20×20 at In-N-Out, the Southern California hamburger institution legendary for preparing virtually any hamburger on the spot. A friend challenged him to match the anonymous man, and Barrientos agreed. After… Continue reading Does this count as self-abuse?

The craziness of gourmet bottled water prices

I’ve noticed a growing snobbery among certain circles as to the water they drink. People seem to spend phenomenal amounts of money on name-brand bottled water as a sort of “social one-upmanship” game. Quite ridiculous, in my opinion: and the latter has been reinforced by some recent reading. It seems that water menus are becoming… Continue reading The craziness of gourmet bottled water prices

The Russian diet gets a makeover

This report should please my friend Marko. He’s written about the gustatory delights of currywurst before. Forget the caviar, a German chef has imported to Russia Berlin’s contribution to world gastronomy, the currywurst. For a few days each week, visitors to Moscow’s exclusive Ritz Carlton hotel can sample the dish, which consists of hot pork… Continue reading The Russian diet gets a makeover