According to a report in the London Telegraph, UK police have lost over £700,000 (more than $1.4 million) in equipment over recent months. The losses include “27 motor vehicles, 50 computers, 104 radio handsets, 149 satellite navigation systems and 189 mobile phones. Other missing items include 109 batons, 187 pairs of handcuffs, 113 torches and… Continue reading This baffles me
Tag: Funny
Military Motivators
EDITED TO ADD: The Military Motivators blog has been discontinued and taken down, due to circumstances in the life of its author. Blackfive has taken over the Military Motivators archives, and is now publishing new ones as well. To view them, click on the link above. Peter __________ A few weeks ago I mentioned Demotivators… Continue reading Military Motivators
Doofus Of The Day #7
Calling all learner drivers . . . If you want to get drunk . . . And then cut donuts in a parking lot with your car . . . It’s not a good idea to pick the police station parking lot to do so! *Sheesh!* (For those who don’t get the ‘hoon’ reference in… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #7
So you’re going to have a colonoscopy?
I received the following by e-mail from a friend (hat-tip to Gordon). A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominantly male) while he was performing their colonoscopies. “Take it easy, Doc. You’re boldly going where no man has gone before!” “Find Amelia Earhart yet?” “Can you hear me NOW?”… Continue reading So you’re going to have a colonoscopy?
Ever heard of “Weiberfastnacht”?
I was astonished to read today that “German carrier Lufthansa is to warn international passengers, men in particular, about the dangers of landing at airports on the Rhine tomorrow, the day women cut men’s ties off and compensate them with an unexpected kiss.“ It seems that in Germany, the Thursday before Ash Wednesday is when… Continue reading Ever heard of “Weiberfastnacht”?
Drinkers beware!
For those who enjoy beer or port, there’s news. First, beer. It seems that Carlsberg has just launched the world’s most expensive beer – at about U.S. $400 per bottle!!! They’re only producing 600 bottles, to be sold through some of Copenhagen’s most exclusive restaurants. The brew, known as ‘Vintage No. 1’, contains 10.5% alcohol… Continue reading Drinkers beware!
A case of police overkill?
According to a report in Japan Today: Hirofumi Fukuda, 27, who had been wanted for assaulting police officers on Jan 21, was arrested after a chase through central Osaka. Around 11 a.m., police received an emergency call saying that a car was driving recklessly, ignoring traffic lights. When a patrol car approached the vehicle in… Continue reading A case of police overkill?
Doofus Of The Day #6
This is not a good way to get away. It seems Mr. Mthandani Nqetho stole various bits and pieces from the stalls of ‘informal traders’ in Cathedral Street, Durban, South Africa yesterday. When he’d finished he wanted to leave as quickly as possible, so he jumped over a palisade fence. Er . . . let… Continue reading Doofus Of The Day #6
Now that’s what I call dedication!
You’re a scientist. You want to collect samples of hippopotamus sweat for study in your laboratory. However, there’s one slight difficulty. The average hippopotamus will stomp you into a mudhole (and fill it in after you) if you try to get near him. Solution? You get into an artificial hippopotamus suit, built strong enough to… Continue reading Now that’s what I call dedication!
A little more humor
I offer this morning another British comedy duo for your enjoyment: Mitchell and Webb. Their zany, offbeat humor can sometimes leave me cold, and at other times have me splitting my sides. You’ll have to judge for yourself. I’ve included two of my favorite clips. Being a writer myself, the first, an interview between an… Continue reading A little more humor