Making politically correct hay out of Hurricane Harvey

Predictably, the politically correct are trying to turn the impact of Hurricane Harvey into arguments in favor of their various causes – particularly climate change.  To take just one example, last weekend Nicholas Kristof fretted in the New York Times: Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s head of the Environmental Protection Agency, says it’s “misplaced” to talk… Continue reading Making politically correct hay out of Hurricane Harvey

Quotable quotes about Hurricane Sandy

The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth continues.  From someone in Staten Island, New York: Domingo Isasi, waiting in a gas line on Staten Island, minced no words about the divide he perceived between Manhattan and the outer boroughs. “The priorities are showing, simply by the fact that Manhattan got their power back,” he… Continue reading Quotable quotes about Hurricane Sandy

The post-Sandy whining is starting to annoy me

I’m finding the post-Superstorm-Sandy angst more and more irritating.  Here are some samples of news reports from just one source (click each headline for more information). Feeling Forgotten After The Storm In Staten Island, Yonkers and Bridgeport, Conn. officials lashed out at power companies for responses they called slow and inadequate. And in Coney Island,… Continue reading The post-Sandy whining is starting to annoy me

Emergency preparation, part 15: Looking over the post-Sandy mess

Those who’ve been following this series of articles will have found much food for thought in the events in the north-eastern United States as Sandy – first a tropical storm, then a hurricane, then a so-called Superstorm – moved through.  I hope my readers in the areas affected by Sandy are as well as may… Continue reading Emergency preparation, part 15: Looking over the post-Sandy mess

Taming a hurricane?

Having just been through Hurricanes Gustav and Ike down here, I’m very interested indeed to read a new theory, described in ‘New Scientist’, of how hurricanes might be ‘tamed’ at last. Each year, hurricanes or typhoons may cause billions of dollars’ worth of damage and a large number of fatalities. It would be hugely significant… Continue reading Taming a hurricane?

Lessons learned from home repairs

As regular readers will know, I’ve been engaged in extensive home repairs after a small house fire in August, followed by further damage caused by Hurricane Gustav in early September. It’s been a long, exhausting process, but it’s finally complete. The place looks great in its new coat of paint, with new carpet, window blinds… Continue reading Lessons learned from home repairs

Hurricane Ike – before and after

The Daily Mail has published some very interesting before-and-after photographs of the damage Hurricane Ike inflicted on the Bolivar Peninsula near Galveston. Click the pictures for a larger view. Hard to think that anyone will be foolish enough to rebuild there . . . but I daresay some will. Certainly, if I were an insurance… Continue reading Hurricane Ike – before and after

The aftermath of Hurricane Ike

The Boston Globe has a fascinating series of photographs showing the destruction left behind by Hurricane Ike along the Texas coast. Here are a few examples. Click to enlarge. The whole series is worth viewing. Recommended. Peter

So long, Ike!

Hurricane Ike has been and gone. He’s headed for Arkansas by now, and I don’t envy those in his path. His wind speeds may have died down, but he’s carrying an awful lot of rain! Those in Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana may want to batten down the hatches until he’s passed through. He left… Continue reading So long, Ike!