Weekend Wings #7: Aerotoxic Syndrome?

The reality of so-called “aerotoxic syndrome” has been debated for years. The airline industry, aircraft manufacturers and regulatory authorities appear to have avoided the issue, uttered pious platitudes or flat-out denied its existence for many years. However, the weight of evidence has grown so strong that it’s now a major issue. I’d like to devote… Continue reading Weekend Wings #7: Aerotoxic Syndrome?

Weekend Wings #6: Modern Military Aircraft – Cost versus Effectiveness

The problem of cost-effectiveness in military aircraft is as old as flight itself, and is nowhere near being solved. It has a profound impact on air forces today and will be decisive in the aircraft they fly tomorrow, but it’s not very well understood by general aviation enthusiasts. I’d like to devote this “Weekend Wings”… Continue reading Weekend Wings #6: Modern Military Aircraft – Cost versus Effectiveness

Weekend Wings #5: Russian Aircraft-Carriers And Their Planes

In Weekend Wings #3 we looked at the historical relationship between the Sopwith Pup, the first fighter to operate from an aircraft carrier (in 1917) and the forthcoming Lockheed F-35 Lightning II, which will be the latest to do so. There were two sets of questions from readers about that post. The first, concerning biplanes,… Continue reading Weekend Wings #5: Russian Aircraft-Carriers And Their Planes

Weekend Wings #4: The Last Stand Of The Biplane

Following my last Weekend Wings post, which looked at the line of descent between the Sopwith Pup biplane fighter of World War I and the Lockheed F-35B STOVL variant of the Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter, I had a few queries from readers asking when the last biplanes saw combat. The answer might surprise you.… Continue reading Weekend Wings #4: The Last Stand Of The Biplane

Weekend Wings #3: From The Pup To The Lightning

Would you believe that there’s a direct relationship, a traceable line of descent, between this: . . . and this? It’s quite a story, crossing two continents, nine decades, a couple of dozen corporate names, two different air services and not a few ships. Let me tell you about it. The Sopwith Pup was a… Continue reading Weekend Wings #3: From The Pup To The Lightning

Weekend Wings #2: Return Of The Airship?

Airships and balloons have been with us for many centuries. Initially balloons were unpowered and at the mercy of the wind and weather. Both hot air and gas-filled balloons were developed at the same time. The Montgolfier brothers demonstrated their first hot air balloon in 1783, with the first human flight following a few months… Continue reading Weekend Wings #2: Return Of The Airship?

Weekend Wings #1: The ‘Wooden Wonder’

I’m an aviation enthusiast (amongst other things) and now and again I’d like to introduce readers to some of the aircraft that have aroused my interest over the years. Today I’d like to talk about the ‘wooden wonder’, the De Havilland Mosquito of World War II. It was a truly remarkable aircraft in its versatility.… Continue reading Weekend Wings #1: The ‘Wooden Wonder’