Quote of the day

According to the Wall Street Journal’s ‘Bankruptcy Beat‘, the Morongo Band of Mission Indians of southern California is interested in buying or otherwise investing in the bankrupt Colt firearms company.  I had to laugh out loud at a comment by the tribe’s attorney. For Colt’s Native American suitors, it’s not just business; it’s history, interest… Continue reading Quote of the day


Miss D. has just introduced me to the ‘Broken and Unreadable‘ online cartoon series.  Current and former US Marines and military veterans will enjoy it.  This one made both of us laugh out loud, reminding us of a couple of Marines of our acquaintance. You can read them all here.  Recommended. Peter

So much for gun ownership surveys

Hear ye!  Hear ye!  The most recent ‘wisdom’ from ‘the latest General Social Survey‘: The number of Americans who live in a household with at least one gun is lower than it’s ever been, according to a major American trend survey that finds the decline in gun ownership is paralleled by a reduction in the… Continue reading So much for gun ownership surveys