According to the Telegraph:
Lance Burgos was enjoying a camping trip in Lake Fausse Pointe State Park with his two girls when he thought he had snared a catfish in one of the waterways with his “noodle” – the submerged device widely used in southern US for catching the creatures.
It wasn’t a catfish.
So tell me, who was fishing for whom there? I know that area. It’s home to some of the largest alligators in Louisiana, if not the USA as a whole, rivaling those found in the Florida Everglades. Not a place I’d want to go kayak-fishing with my two young children – and certainly not without a suitable firearm!
In 2014 a family in Alabama caught what I believe is the modern day record gator.
The beast was fifteen feet long, weighted 1,011 pounds, and when taken to a taxidermist and opened up found to have swallowed a 115 pound doe whole.
Video from 2007, Texas,
He can really peddle FAST!
Another nominee for Darwin awards…
It's a good thing he wasn't doing the Okie kind of "noodling" for catfish – where you stick your arm in the water (usually into a hole in the bank) and wait for something to bite.
(Even some of the native-born Oklahomans I know think doing that is crazy nuts, and it is – often cottonmouths live in those holes)
I had one of those kayaks when I was living in Hawaii a couple years ago. The Hobie Pro Angler is awesome, you can pedal it with your legs a lot faster than almost anybody can paddle a normal kayak.
Caught several fish from it, but one day what I thought was a tuna turned out to be a reef shark. You'd be surprised how fast you can reach your knife and cut your 40 pound line, when properly incentivized.
what, he WASN'T fishing for dinosaurs?
And people ask me why I don't go out fishing now that I live here…eek.